Biochemistry is a basic life science which describes chemical nature and chemical behaviour of living matter and with the reactions and processes they undergo.
Biochemistry includes the study of:
1. Chemical constituents of living matter.
2. Chemical changes which occur in the organism during digestion, absorption and excretion.
3. Chemical changes which occur during growth and multiplication of the organism.
4. Transformation/ metabolism of one form of chemical constituent to the other.
5. Energy changes involved in such transformation.
The term “Biochemistry” was first introduced by German chemist Carl Neuberg in 1903 from Greek word “bios” means “life”.
Clinical biochemistry deals the various life processes, their perturbations in health and disease. The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of body fluids assist the clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease and drug monitoring, tissue and organ transplantation, forensic investigations and so on.
Various biological fluids subjected to chemical tests and assays include blood, plasma, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ascetic fluid, pleural fluid, faeces, calculi and tissues.
Being a technologically advanced Laboratory we have latest machineries, Fully Automated Biochemistry Analyzer TBA 120 FR, SYS-1300, Electrolyte Analyzer, Cobas Modular Fully Automated etc which enable us to provide zero error report to our patient at the earliest time period.
Modern day medical practice is highly dependent on the laboratory analysis of body fluids, especially the blood. The disease manifestations are reflected in the composition of blood and other tissues.
The demarcation of abnormal from normal constituents of the body is another aim of the study of clinical biochemistry.
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